Do Men Need Viagra and What It Does to Their Self-Confidence in Bed?

Healthy Lifestyle

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Specifically formulated to treat and manage erectile dysfunction (ED), Viagra has become a life-saving treatment plan for men suffering from ED. This health condition gnaws at one’s self-esteem and can cause it to crumble resulting in bouts of depression and in extreme circumstances, suicidal ideation.

When you choose to embark on ED therapy and begin to take Viagra, you’re able to achieve and maintain erections during sex. Not only does this significantly improve your sexual experience, but it also boosts your self-confidence.

Do keep reading to learn why men may need Viagra and how it can elevate their self-confidence in bed.

For those in a hurry, a great place to obtain generic Viagra online is Bonershop. They have vast experience and a big supply of generic medicine available to everyone in U.S. and EU.

How Viagra Works

To understand how Viagra works, you need to know what causes an erection. When you’re sexually aroused, the brain sends signals to the corpus cavernosum triggering a release of chemicals in your penis.

These chemical actions cause your penis to get hard helping you to achieve an erection which is essential for coitus. One of the chemicals involved in this process is the cyclic GMP.

Viagra belongs to a class of drugs known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. Because ED affects your ability to achieve an erection by typically blocking blood flow to your penis, Viagra works to prevent the breakdown of the PDE5 enzyme.

By doing this, it allows the cyclic GMP which promotes vasodilation to work more effectively improving blood flow to your penis. This supports and helps you get and maintain an erection for longer. But, for the little blue pill to work, you need to be sexually aroused.

Be aware that Viagra doesn’t boost your libido. It specifically works to treat ED which in turn helps you regain your sexual prowess and confidence in the bedroom.

A Look at Viagra’s Efficacy

Viagra is one of the most reliable drugs you can use to treat ED. Studies show that at least 87% of the men who take this ED drug can successfully achieve and maintain an erection. Having been FDA-approved since 1998, you can trust it to do what it’s supposed to do.

You can expect it to start working between 30 to 60 minutes after consumption. However, its effects can last up to 5 hours.

If by any chance it lasts longer and you begin to experience painful erections, it’s best to seek treatment. This condition is called priapism and can cause severe tissue damage if not attended to quickly.

For more flexibility in terms of time and dosage, you can opt for other ED drugs in consultation with your doctor. However, Viagra is one of the best branded ED medicines in today’s market.

Misconceptions About Viagra

Granted, Viagra does a lot to improve your sexual health and boost your self-confidence and prowess in the bedroom. However, there are many myths associated with this little blue pill.

Here are some common misconceptions you should know to avoid disappointment:

Viagra and The Size of Your Penis

This ED drug doesn’t make your penis bigger. It can only help you to achieve a full erection which in some sense may increase the size of your member but isn’t permanent.

Viagra and Premature Ejaculation

Viagra isn’t prescribed for PE. While it can help if you can’t sustain an erection for long, it’s not a licensed treatment. It is recommended that you consult a doctor to receive the best medication for your condition.

Viagra and Sexual Drive

If you’re looking to boost your libido, Viagra isn’t the best solution. Granted, it does improve men’s self-confidence. But this only works to reduce sexual performance anxiety and improve intimacy. It doesn’t increase your libido.

Elevate Your Sexual Experience With Viagra

Erectile dysfunction is a condition that many shy away from speaking about. This can make it more overwhelming for the men suffering from the disease making it difficult for them to seek treatment.

Given that it’s a prescription-only medication in most countries, accessing it can be difficult for many who wish to enjoy their privacy and avoid the stigma that often comes with it. Thankfully, there is a way out.

BonerShop offers no RX medications for ED. This allows you to access treatment discreetly at the comfort of your home. The internationally accredited online pharmacy also sells generic Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra at affordable rates.

So, if you’ve been looking for a convenient, safe, and discreet source for Viagra, you can partner with Escape the awkwardness and anxiety that comes with purchasing ED drugs at the store. It’s time to focus on elevating and enjoying your sexual experience without having to deal with societal shame.

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